NLP for Depression and Anxiety

NLP for Depression and Anxiety: An Alternative Intervention

What is NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)?

Have you heard of NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming? We sure haven’t since last year, until someone introduced to us a practitioner. One of our friends suggested that we see someone to help my wife with her depression and anxiety. Our friend informed us that this particular person is US-based and charges his clients a hefty amount but would like to give back to the community for free for one afternoon. After the session, we also discovered (from another practitioner) that this same guy has a long list of high-profile local clients that seek treatment from him. We didn’t have an idea back then what intervention will happen and that it is called NLP. We only trusted the person who suggested it. Also, we knew he genuinely would like to help since my wife had known him since her childhood. Little did we know that it would be one of the factors that would help improve my wife’s mental health. The story you about to hear is our experience on the treatment called NLP for Depression and Anxiety.Continue reading

Impact of CBT

The Impact of CBT in My Wife’s Recovery

My wife just recently graduated from her CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) sessions. Unlike previously wherein her therapist schedules her at least once a month, Mela (my wife) can now just plan whenever she feels like she needs it. Her therapist has assessed that she has already grasped the correct mindset and attitude in dealing with depression and anxiety. Personally, I have seen the impact of CBT in her daily life. There were significant changes in her reaction to mental health triggers.Continue reading


Presence: The Best Support You Can Give

Our married life after the honeymoon has been a constant battle between a depression attack, an anxiety attack, or both at the same time. There were only a few days when I am not around that she was able to finish the day without either of the two attacks showing up. There were also times that when she wakes up, her mood is so low that she does not respond to my inquiries. During these times, I felt the urge of not leaving her and so I take an unplanned leave from work. She recovers quickly whenever my presence is there to support her.Continue reading

depression and marriage

Depression and Marriage: When an Intruder Enters Your Home

I hope you gained a lot of insights from my previous post. I had to step back and provide the backstory to her depression. This is for you to have a better picture of what were her trials and difficulties that contributed to her depression. Of course, these difficulties were just factors that elevated her depression. The brain’s condition is also of utmost importance. Now, we will resume our honeymoon trip story where her past negative moments at Washington DC haunted her again. This would be the start of the two things, depression and marriage, to co-exist.Continue reading

depression and marriage

Her Early Signs of Depression (Backstory)

In my previous post, I shared our story during the early years and how we coped with her condition. This post, on the other hand, will tackle her early signs of depression. In order to introduce you to this backstory, I will continue the story of our journey as well.Continue reading

journey with depression

Journey with Depression: Our Story

Thank you, everyone, for your encouraging words and wanting me to continue this endeavor. I appreciate the comments I have received regarding my first post. For those that haven’t read my first post, my partner in life has mental health illness and this site will tackle our journey with depression and anxiety. I created this blog to be a source of knowledge and inspiration for people dealing with mental health conditions. They may be dealing with it directly or indirectly.Continue reading

depression beingtherock

Living with Depression [When You Don’t Have It]

I am currently living with depression, but I don’t have it inside me. Instead, it is my spouse or wife who is painfully carrying it every day. She’s been diagnosed with Double Depression w/ Anxiety. There was a time she’s been taking 7 different types of medicines daily. But that’s the thing with this condition, it’s not obvious from the outside.Continue reading